Friday, April 3, 2009

What is it exactly, the American Dream?

What particular issue or aspect of the American Dream are you planning to explore in your essay? Try to be as specific as you can here--as you prepare for invention on Tuesday.  Will you look at how the dream is alive? Is a nightmare? Is possible? Is based on income? race? gender?  This list is not exhaustive but is meant to get you started.


  1. I am planning on looking at how the American Dream is still alive, yet hindered by discrimination and inequality. In many of the short stories we read, race played an issue in the pursuit of an individual American Dream. I think that the Dream is still present but unfortunately, it is not readily available to all those who look for it. It is alive because we have had so many brave soldiers fight for the freedom that exists in America over the past-and present-years, but seems to be more difficult for those of certain races, particular incomes, and at times even genders. I think it can be a nightmare at times to most everyone who goes in search of it because it doesn’t often come handed to you; it takes a lot of work and sweat. However, I do think it is worth the sacrifice to achieve a dream, especially the American Dream.

  2. I am going to look at the American Dream as being alive but not as easy to reach as others depending on their race. For people that do have to deal with the race issue the American Dream can somewhat be a nightmare. I’m not really sure how I am going to start off my essay…any suggestions?

  3. Lisa, I think that you have very good ideas! But are you going to talk about all of those ideas or just focus on one?

  4. I am going to focus on the fragility of the American Dream. The AD can slip right through your fingers and in some of the stories/poems we've read in class touch on this, so I think it'll be a good idea to write about.

  5. Although American dream still exists today but it is hard to achieve it.The main
    hindrance in the path of achieving the American dream is the race because people from
    various parts of the world come to America in pursuit of their dream. When various
    racial groups live together than the more dominant group tries to dominate the other
    groups and they have more opportunities to get success. The American dream still
    exists but it takes great determination and luck to achieve it.

  6. I think race plays important role in achieving the American dream, so I am planning to explore the idea of race in the pursuit of the American dream.

  7. Thanks, Ashley. I'm planning on focusing just on race being the issue that holds back many Americans from achieving their dreams. I also think Spandan made an interesting point about race playing an important role in achieving the Dream. It seems as though it's more of a necessity than an obstacle in pursuing and achieving the American Dream. It sounds like a really interesting topic to write about.

  8. Im going to look and see what the American dream is. I want to show the different ways that people view the American dream like through peoples eyes. There are all types of American Dreams everyone's is different and im going to show how its different and what it takes to get to their American dream.I dont think that its a nightmare but for some i think it is. The reason is is because some people think that they found the American dream and it really isnt for instant the story about the Richard Cory who everyone thought he was living the American Dream but was living a nightmare.


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