Monday, February 16, 2009

Journey Through Life's Course

Now that you are drafting your poetry explications, can you think of how your poem describes a journey through life's course? You can, of course, use this as part of your explication. All the poems are in the chapter entitled "Journeys," so they all describe some kind of a journey. Discuss both the literal and the figurative journey, if you see both.

I apologize for the late post.


  1. The poem I chose for my explication was Christina Rossetti’s “Uphill.” There are very clear literal and symbolic journeys taking place in this poem. The literal journey the poem focuses on is the speaker preparing for a hike and is concerned about what rest stop is going to be at the final destination. The speaker answering the uncertain questions is very confident that there will be a place to rest when the hike is complete. The symbolic journey is one through life. Life is usually tough much like a hill might be to climb. The end however is up to the person if they want to look for life after death or not, it will be waiting for them if they look hard enough.

  2. The poem i chose does indeed signify a journy. It is the journy of life and all the beautiful things we forget to look at that pass us by. The journy my poet goes on is one that reminds him and the person he invites to tag along that even just going to do a simple chore outside you can see the beauty of life and all it has to offer.


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