Friday, February 20, 2009

Truth and Fiction

Yesterday in class we discussed the definition of fiction--stories that originate in the imaginations of the author. Now, I said that just because fiction isn't real doesn't mean it isn't true.

What do you think of that? Do you agree? Why? Do you disagree? Why?


  1. Although I know fiction is created in the minds of the authors, I still think that it has truth to it because it provides a way of looking at life and the situations that typically occur. I think that with fiction, the author finds inspiration from past life experiences that has taught them something they hold valuable. From these incidents and lessons, they take something they want to pass onto to others and present it through carefully crafted stories that catch audience’s attention to possibly create a change in someone’s view on life.

  2. I agree with that, just because the story isn't true doesnt mean it didnt happen. A lot of times authors take what happened to other people and put it together to make a story that is true and has actually happened to someone else. There are a ton of stories that are true, eventhough they didn't happen to the author himself. Most of the time fiction takes many truths and makes it into a story that isn't real or doesn't tell the truth.

  3. I think just because it is fiction doesnt mean that it all isnt true. In the end if it does have a meaning to it then truth atleast comes out of it. Fiction does not represent actuality but does invent a creation that could turn out to have truthfull meaning.

  4. Just because the definition of fiction means that its made up doesnt mean that the whole story is made up. Its kind of like a comedian that performs stand up. Some of their material is made up but at the same time alot of it is from experiences or from other peoples experiences. Fiction can be made up but the morals and the situations that happen in the story can be related to an experience that you may have had in your life.

  5. I do agree with that idea. I think that fiction is base on realistic ideas. In my point of view I believe an author of a fiction story gets the idea of a story from something nonfiction then gives his touch of fictional imagination to the story. Although, I’m not certain of this assumption one-hundred percent I do see this idea as the most logical.

  6. Brain gave a good example of comedians using fiction in their works. Not all of what they say is going to be fictional because there are a large number of real incidents that they have actually come across which can be used to improve their storytelling. I think that in most fictional stories, some truth gets woven into the plot because the author cannot help their real life making its way into their writing.

  7. Yes, I believe that statement is true! I think someone can write about something that really happened in their life or someone else but they can add in their own details and what not. Or maybe they have a story they want to tell because they feel the message is important but they story is short and sweet; to keep the attention of their audience they have to make it interesting! That is when I feel fiction being true but not real comes into play.

  8. I believe with what Katie had to say "Fiction does not represent actuality but does invent a creation that could turn out to have truthfull meaning". In many cases and author could take a real life event and expand it out to make is worth while to read.

  9. Fiction is a imaginery story which is unreal but sometimes,it might be based on the real facts. The fiction, are the stories that are made by the writers, which might not have actually happened but it gives important message to the other about the real life. Sometimes, it is hard to convey message in a real story using real character, so the writers use the fictional story to bring the message to the number of readers.

  10. I also agree with Katie. Just like she said, some truth comes out of it. Even if more than half of the story isn't true.


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